william Hill Live Casino games provided civil engineering and surveying services to George Mason University through an active term contract. Three extensive projects to date include:

West Campus Vision Study – william Hill Live Casino games reviewed current information of record for the development of the West Campus Plan in relation to sanitary sewer system and pump station capacity. william Hill Live Casino games met with local jurisdictions to obtain offsite maps, GIS and capacity information. The deliverable included an exhibit based on available information of record to identify potential offsite improvements to the sanitary sewer system and pump station, including a list of improvements triggered by the West Campus Plan development.

West Campus Master Plan – william Hill Live Casino games performed a limited sanitary sewer field as-built for capacity verification and reviewed field information for the existing sanitary sewer to confirm previously established capacity for additional development. william Hill Live Casino games identified improvements required to the sanitary sewer system and pump station based on the West Campus Master Plan development program square footage information.

Land Use and Financial Analysis – william Hill Live Casino games prepared an analysis to determine whether conveying easements to the relevant utility provider for water and sewer service or assuming ownership of the service mains for water and sewer would be in the best interest of Mason with regard to financial and land use implications. william Hill Live Casino games in coordination with a subconsultant, Gannett Fleming, performed an analysis for Fairfax and Sci Tech campuses to determine the financial and land use impacts of providing easements for water and sewer utilities without providing easements.