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High-Performance, Winning Design

IMEG understands sports and recreation facilities require the coordination of virtually every engineering discipline to succeed. They are public facilities that must manage large crowds comfortably and efficiently. There are innumerable safety challenges, along with all the usual concerns for air quality, temperature and humidity control, acoustics, and lighting.

The difference IMEG brings is our history of engineering design for high-performance sports and recreation facilities. From outdoor complexes and stadiums to wellness centers and arenas our engineers bring winning designs to every project.

Market Facts

  • Top 15 (#14) Sports Facilities Engineering Firm in U.S.
  • 150 sports & recreation clients
  • 550 projects
  • $20 billion in construction

Project Types

  • Arenas
  • Stadiums
  • Ice Arenas
  • Sports Complexes
  • Parks & Recreation
  • Gymnasiums
  • Wellness Centers
  • Natatoriums