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Combining Creativity and Practicality

Where do we go from here and how do we get there? From conceptual alternatives to a completed design, we combine creativity and practicality to meet your specific transportation needs including roads, highways, and bridges.  Whether expansion of existing corridors or new construction is required, the outcome is the same: a long-term, cost-efficient solution.

Project Types

  • Transportation Planning and Funding
  • Value Engineering and Alternatives Analysis
  • Project Study Reports and Advanced Planning Studies
  • Traffic Studies
  • Bridge and Roadway Design



  • Non-motorized Corridor Design
  • Drainage, Erosion, and Stormwater Control
  • Project Phasing
  • Right-of-Way Determination
  • Utilities Relocation Coordination
  • Construction Management



Steven Myer, PE, is a senior civil engineer and project executive. He has over 25 years of experience and is a veteran of both the U.S. Navy and U.S. Army National Guard.  Steven has designed grading projects, sign inventory projects, asphalt overlay projects, railroad crossing projects, road re-alignment projects, numerous bridge & culvert inspection projects, and numerous bridge & culvert design projects. He serves as IMEG’s transportation/bridge market leader and is responsible for client development, project strategy, and overall market growth. Contact Steven to learn more.